Sunday, 19 April 2009


Brief for Preliminary Production Task:
Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule.

Brief for Main Production Task:
Must produce the titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of 2 minutes.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

For our main task media film, The Vision, we had hoped to use and possibly develop a lot of the typical conventions of a thriller that we had researched. Our preliminary task was a chance to test out a few basic forms and conventions to see if we could put together a short clip with an atmosphere similar to that of a thriller. If it had not given the intended effect then we had something to work from for our main task.

For example, in our main task, our group edited all the shots that we had filmed into a flowing sequence. But after watching it through and referring to our notes that we had taken whilst watching the opening of other thriller films we decided that something needed to be added.

The music that we overlaid onto our 2 minute opening gave a more apparent thriller feeling. One of the typical conventions of a thriller is the music. Whether it's fast paced (e.g. for a chase scene etc...) or it builds up during the scene like ours does. It's done to give a feeling of almost panic and suspense as you're expecting something to happen as the music builds in volume.

Another way our media product uses the conventions is the way in which we used the lighting in our film. A lot of it was filmed in semi-darkness like during the part where Lizzie King is running down a corridor, or complete darkness at night when we filmed Lizzie Mclean collapsing etc... We managed to position Lizzie Mclean under a street lamp so that you could clearly make her out and that she cast a slight shadow which can add effect. During the corridor scene we chose a corridor that had very little light at one end (there were no windows at this end) but that had windows at the other end so that what was shown on screen was Lizzie running towards the light. But the aspect, meaning and use of the darkness was still felt. We felt that the mise-en-scene was fairly well planned where the lighting was concerned.

How does your media product represent particular social groups?:

Our opening begins with a teenage girl coming into frame. She's dressed fairly normally. She does not appear in any way to be a "gangster" or "chav". We decided that by representing a typical normal teenager it would be more relatable to real people; real teenagers. The film goes on to show the seemingly "normal" girl having a vision of some sort. We believe that this adds a bit more of an edge to our film. The fact that there is nothing out of the ordinary about this teenager makes the vision that bit more unexpected.

Who would be the audience for your media product?:

Our film was not created for family viewing. When we started out planning for our media film we had decided to aim for a 15 certificate. But we had researched the certificates above and below that incase the content we ended up with was not appropriate for a 15. If the certificate was to be based purely on the content of our opening, I think that a 12 certificate would be more suited. But if this was to be expanded and the rest of the film planned and filmed I think that the 15 certificate would stand. We did not use a lot of strong language or any nudity or sexual references. Therefore it is not needed to be classed as an 18. I think that because it is a 15 it will be available to a wider audience and that it will attract more people. Also because of the genre that we chose I believe that we will get a lot more interest as from our survey it came up on top.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?:

I've learnt that making a film is harder than it first seems. Getting used to using the camera was one thing but actually being to film decent shots of what you needed what another. The bizarre positions I had to get myself into the be able to film walking or dropping cups were worth it thought to get what we needed. I never imagined it would take so long to film everything you need for a 2 minute opening that you've planned out. You imagine it to be one or two takes per shot and that you can just throw it together on some editing software and you're done! But the amount of time and effort I feel that our group put into planning, shooting and editing the opening is ridiculous. It took so much concentration to be able to time all the music as well as you could so that it suited the moving images. It never seemed to flow as well as you wanted it to. Perfectionism is a flaw that I think our group possess.
We encountered a few technological problems along the way of making our films. Mainly it was to do with the editing software. It was suggested that we use Adobe Premiere Pro CS3 which is supposedly very advanced and would help us immensely with our editing. But we had many problems trying to upload our footage to the computer using this programme. It took 2 hours to upload 5 minutes at which point the computers froze and we had to start again. We gave up with that idea as it was just taking up too much time and we switched to using Windows Movie Maker. We had less problems with this software. Although there was less of a choice of transitions to go between clips that looked good enough and professional enough for a thriller film.

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?:

When you compare our original preliminary task to our main task you can see a vast improvement. The editing is much more fine cut with a better flow to it and we've also used a lot more complex camera angles because we had become more comfortable with what was expected from a thriller film.
On our preliminary film we had decided to not put any non-diegetic sounds or music onto it as we were happy with the diegetic sounds that currently existed. But when you watch the opening to thriller films there is always some sort of musical score laid over the top to create a more intense atmosphere. This is one thing that we decided to bring into our main task film. Although the music we chose to use is a common choice for a lot of thriller films and not particularly original, I feel that it was best for our task as it gave a sense of building panic.
The difference in editing is, I feel, extremely good. In our preliminary the film skips and jumps all over the place as we had cut it to often and in the wrong places. With our main task we kept reminding ourselves of what had happened to our preliminary and tried to cut the film only when necessary. By doing this we reduced the jumping and our film flows a lot better. We also tried different effects on parts of our film including the black and white tone and the changes in speed.
I think that what we've included in our main task that we missed or overlooked in our preliminary shows just how much of an improvement we've made. I would put this down to us watching our preliminary film a few times and noting down what went wrong and the more research that we did into thriller films. We really paid attention to what conventions are most commonly found in thriller/horror films and we tried (and hopefully succeeded) in using them to our best advantage in our own film.
Overall I am happy with the amount of progression that we have made. I think our final film piece has turned out well and I am pleased with it.


Whilst we were planning and filming our main and preliminary tasks we were looking at a number of theories. We were looking at how the audience is affected by the films that they watch and how ideas are put in place. We wanted to know how our filming tasks could affect our audience.

One theory we looked at was the Hypodermic Syringe Theory. This theory suggests that an audience can be "injected" with the ideas that are put in front of them by the media product they are consuming. E.g. if someone was to watch a violent film then they too would become violent by association. Studying this theory made us think about how our media product could "inject" our potential audience. Our film does not include a lot of violence or any sexual activity, so we were unsure of how this theory would work with our film.

Another theory we studied was the Culmination Theory. This theory describes how, unlike the Hypodermic Syringe Theory, watching or absorbing one media text of some kind can not affect an individual but years and years of watching the same kind of thing can. E.g. if someone had watched a film about murders and violence once then this would have little or no affect on them. But if this same individual was to continuously watch the same type of films for many years then they would be more influenced and more likely to go out and commit the same crime that they had been watching. Our group agrees with this theory more than the Hypodermic Syringe Theory as it seems more reasonable that an individual would be more influenced to commit a crime after more than one viewing.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Main Task Film - The Vision

Production Log - Wednesday 15th April

  • We've finished our main task film. The piece of music we chose to put on top worked well with what we had filmed and we managed to make it fit. 
  • We put the film onto discs for everyone in the group.
  • I also decided to put all of the research onto the blog along with our preliminary film and our main task film

Production Log - Monday 6th April

  • We have nearly finished our film now as there is not much more we can do to edit it. Just a few bits need to be fine tuned so that they flow better.
  • All the effects have been put onto the film including black and white parts and bits in slow motion
  • We think we have found the right piece of music to put onto our film. Next time we're editing we'll put this on top and play around with it until it fits.

Production Log - Friday 3rd April

  • Again we continued editing our film. It's taking longer than we first thought.
  • We're also having trouble finding suitable music to put on top of our film as all the tracks that we've tried just don't work with what we've got.

Production Log - Wednesday 1st April

  • We continued with the editing of our film.
  • We also began to search for some music to overlay onto our filming to give it a bit more of a "thriller" atmosphere

Production Log - Friday 27th March

  • We began editing our main task film today. It took a long time to get all of our footage onto Windows Movie Maker as we had filmed so much more than we needed.
  • We began by cutting out the chunks of film that were not usable (e.g. bits we had started laughing in or bits that we had filmed more than once)
  • We started to try and piece the bits of film together but had to leave it as we ran out of time on this day.

Production Log - Friday 20th March

  • We met up at about 8pm to go film the last of our main task. We needed it to be dark when we filmed which is why we chose this time. Although a lot of our film is filmed in dim light or practically no light I'm hoping that it won't appear to dark on screen and that it will give the hoped for effect of a thriller film.
  • We filmed Lizzie King shouting by some trees, Lizzie Mclean collapsing when a car went past and all the other outdoor shots that we needed for our main task. We finished at about 10.30pm

Production Log - Wednesday 4th March

  • We stayed at school after it had finished so that we could film the parts that we needed in the corridor as we needed it to be empty and we needed it to be getting dark.
  • We did a few takes of each part of Lizzie running and changed parts of our storyboard so that it flowed better.
  • We then left and went to my house where we were going to film the parts about the glass dropping. We had to change our plan of dropping a glass tumbler as it posed a lot of safety issues and also we were worried about damaging the floor. We decided to use a large thick plastic glass instead.
  • We didn't film any of the outside bit as it got quite late after the amount of re-takes we had to do with the glass.

Costumes & Props For Main Task

Lizzie King - Herself:
  • Plain (normal) clothes
Lizzie Mclean - Jess:
  • Plain (normal) clothes
Me - Evil sort of person:
  • Black hooded jumper
  • Black jeans or trousers
  • Black shoes
Props Needed:
  • Glass tumbler
  • Towels - this will not be part of the mise-en-scene but are needed to clear the water

Production Log - Thursday 26th February

  • We put together a list of the costumes and props that we will need to shoot our main task
  • We also went around Kidlington and our school to find some suitable places to film. We decided on the same corridor from our preliminary film task and a place near my house that has trees and a road.

Note Plan For Main Task Storyboard

Shot 1:
  • Still shot. Lizzie King coming from living room to fill up glass with water.
  • Medium close up on her drinking
Shot 2:
  • Switch to black and white/sepia shot of Lizzie in corridor running and pushing open door
Shot 3:
  • Still shot from corner of room. Very long shot. Shot of Lizzie coming into room looking around.
Shot 4:
  • Cut back to corridor. Still shot. Lizzie pushing open another door.
Shot 5:
  • Cut to corner of another room. Still shot. Very long shot. Lizzie comes in looks around again desperately
Shot 6:
  • Cut back to corridor. Running with camera following Lizzie as she runs towards double doors. Tilted frames at some points.
Shot 7:
  • Cut to extreme close up of Lizzie's eyes as she goes through double doors
Shot 8:
  • Fade in to medium shot of Lizzie outside by trees. Looks confused as to where she is. Calls out name desperately. Fades into next shot.
Shot 9:
  • Switch to colour. Extreme close up of Lizzie's hand as she lets go of glass of water. Slow motion.
Shot 10:
  • Extreme close up of the glass of water hitting the ground and splashing. Fade back into next shot.
Shot 11:
  • Cut to shot of me stood behind Lizzie Mclean who is kneeling on ground. Very long shot.
Shot 12:
  • Cut to close up of Lizzie King. Breathing hard looking scared.
Shot 13:
  • Back to Lizzie Mclean kneeling on ground but I've gone from shot. Long shot. Car goes past and Lizzie collapses
Shot 14:
  • Back to Lizzie King who runs past camera
Shot 15:
  • Running with camera towards Lizzie Mclean. Lizzie King breathing hard.
Shot 16:
  • Switch to shot from behind Lizzie Mclean as Lizzie King runs to her to see if she's ok. Fade into next shot
Shot 17:
  • Colour. Medium close of Lizzie Mclean sat on sofa in living room. Says "Liz?" wondering if she's alright because of the glass dropping. Gets up and walks past camera.
Shot 18:
  • Close up of Lizzie King. Lizzie Mclean comes into shot behind Lizzie King and asks if she's ok. Lizzie King looks up and says I'm fine in a shaky voice. Fade out to black.

This is a rough guide to what we are going to film for our main task.

Production Log - Tuesday 17th February

  • We all met round my house to plan out our storyline and to draw and write up our main task storyboard. We had decided to use the same genre that we used for our preliminary as we were used to filming in that style.

Timeline For Deadlines

Week Commencing 16th February (half term):

  • Get everyone together and draw up our main task storyboard
  • Brainstorm some possible locations to shoot our main task

Week Commencing 23rd February:

  • Finalise the location (possibly take the camera and shoot some test shots)
  • Discuss and plan out what props and costumes are needed

Week Commencing 2nd March:

  • Begin filming main task

Week Commencing 9th March:

  • Finish filming main task

Week Commencing 16th March:

  • Begin editing with Windows Movie Maker

Week Commencing 23rd March:

  • Finish editing
  • Begin evaluation
Before Monday 20th April Deadline:
  • Upload everything onto blogs (e.g. research, preliminary film and main task film)

Production Log - Friday 13th February

  • Because we have now finished our preliminary film task we decided to start our main task. We decided to make ourselves a timeline for deadlines sheet to keep us on time to complete our main task. All 3 of us contributed to thinking up this timeline and we also gave each other small tasks to get completed.

Preliminary Thriller Film - The Inspector

This is our preliminary thriller film. We had a few problems with the editing during this. As you can probably notice it jumps and skips a fair amount while Lizzie King and Lizzie Mclean are talking. I think that this may be because whilst editing we cut the film a lot in those short spaces to try and delete unwanted sounds or clips. It may be jumping because we cut it so much in such a short space of time and it doesn't flow as well as we hoped. As this was only a preliminary film we are not too worried about it but will take this into consideration when we edit our main task film.

Production Log - Wednesday 11th February

  • We decided to edit our preliminary task today using Windows Movie Maker. We tried to use different editing software called Adobe Premiere Pro CS3, which we were told is better for what we wanted to do but it was constantly making the computer freeze whenever we tried to put the filming onto the computer from the camera.
  • Our group decided against adding any extra sound effects or music as we thought that it sounded quite good as it was.

Production Log - Friday 6th February

  • Again we brought all the props and costumes to school and stayed behind until around 6pm to finish our filming. 
  • We filmed Lizzie Mclean walking up the corridor a bit more as we realised we had forgotten one shot that would make up our "match-on-action" shot.
  • We then moved on up to the photography dark room and filmed the remainder of our preliminary task which involved Lizzie Mclean walking in and talking with Lizzie King.
  • We watched back what we had filmed and decided that we didn't need any more filming for our preliminary task.

Production Log - Friday 30th January

  • Our group brought all the costumes and necessary props to school after it had finished and we began filming. We needed to do it after school as we needed the corridor to be empty and also we needed it to be getting dark as we filmed.
  • We first shot the clips that required Lizzie Mclean to walk up and down the corridor whilst changing the lighting to see what looked best.
  • It took a while for us to get into the swing of filming as we could not get the exact shots we wanted. We filmed a lot of extra walking just in case some of it didn't fit.

Questionnaire Results

What Films Do You Most Associate With A Thriller Genre Film?:

Saw IV:
  • 2007 horror film
  • Directed by Darren Lynn Bousman
Final Destination (mentioned 5 times):
  • 2000 supernatural thriller
  • Directed by James Wong


  • 2006 British comedy horror
  • Directed by Christopher Smith


  • 2007 thriller
  • Directed by D. J. Caruso


  • 1975 American horror thriller
  • Directed by Steven Spielberg
39 Steps (mentioned twice):
  • 1935/1959 British thriller
  • Directed by Alfred Hitchcock (1935) and Ralph Thomas (1959)

Silence Of The Lambs:

  • 1991 phycological suspense thriller
  • Directed by Jonathan Demme

Seven (mentioned twice):

  • 1995 American crime film
  • Directed by David Fincher

Enemy Of The State:

  • 1998 spy film
  • Directed by Tony Scott
The Manchurian Candidate:
  • 2004 American thriller
  • Directed by Jonathan Demme

The Dark Knight:

  • 2004 action superhero film
  • Directed by Christopher Nolan

American History X:

  • 1998 American action film
  • Directed by Tony Kaye

The Generals Daughter:

  • 1999 action film
  • Directed by Simon West

Kiss The Girls:

  • 1997 American thriller
  • Directed by Gary Fleder

Along Came A Spider:

  • 2001 American mystery film
  • Directed by Lee Tamahori

James Bond – Quantum Of Solace:

  • 2008 British action thriller
  • Directed by Marc Forster

The Day After Tomorrow:

  • 2004 apocalyptic science-fiction film
  • Directed by Roland Emmerich

What Are Your Favourite Films That You've Seen In The Past Years?:

Pineapple Express:
  • 2008 American stoner action comedy film
  • Directed by David Gordon Green

Dude, Where’s My Car?:

  • 2000 comedy film
  • Directed by Danny Leiner

Slumdog Millionaire:

  • 2008 British drama film
  • Directed by Danny Boyle

Wrong Turn:

  • 2003 horror film
  • Directed by Rob Schmidt

Role Models:

  • 2008 American comedy film
  • Directed by David Wain

Final Destination:

  • 2000 supernatural thriller
  • Directed by James Wong


  • 2004 science-fiction film
  • Directed by Alex Proyas

Casino Royale:

  • 2006 British action thriller
  • Directed by Martin Campbell

Forgetting Sarah Marshall:

  • 2008 American romantic comedy
  • Directed by Nicholas Stoller

The Dark Knight:

  • 2008 superhero film
  • Directed by Christopher Nolan

Pirates Of The Caribbean – At World’s End:

  • 2007 adventure film
  • Directed by Gore Verbinski

James Bond – Quantum Of Solace:

  • 2008 British thriller
  • Directed by Marc Forster

Madagascar 2:

  • 2008 animated comedy
  • Directed by Eric Darnell and Tom McGrath

Muppets Treasure Island:

  • 1996 British comedy
  • Directed Brian Henson

Iron Man:

  • 2008 superhero film
  • Directed by Jon Favreau

Wedding Crashers:

  • 2005 comedy film
  • Directed by David Dobkin


  • 2008 French thriller action film
  • Directed by Pierre Morel

Mamma Mia:

  • 2008 musical
  • Directed by Phyllida Lloyd


This was the questionnaire that we came up with and handed out to people of varying ages.

What age group are you in?
· 11-15
· 16-20
· 21-25
· 26-30
· 31-50
· 51+

· Male
· Female

Employment status:
· Student
· Full-time employment
· Part-time employment
· Unemployed

How often do you go to the cinema?
· At least once a week
· 2 or 3 per month
· 1 per month
· 1 per 6 months
· 2 or 3 per year
· 1 per year
· Less often
· Never

What genre of film do you prefer to watch?
· Action
· Adventure
· Comedy
· Crime
· Drama
· Horror
· Musical
· Thriller
· Science-Fiction
· Romantic

Why do you prefer this genre to the others?

What films do you most associate with a thriller genre film?

What are your favourite films that you've seen in the past years?

Production Log - Friday 23rd January

  • We decided to continue with our audience and genre research today as we were going to begin filming next week.
  • We came up with a questionnaire to hand out to people at our school and people outside of school to get their views on what makes a thriller and if they enjoy them.
  • We handed them out and got about 30 back from which we analysed the results.

Production Log - Wednesday 21st January

  • We decided to bring in the chosen costumes to see if they looked right with our setting. We needed to make sure nothing looked particularly out of place and that if it did we had time to adjust our plans in time for when we began to film.

Thriller Film Research

Name: The Silence of the Lambs
Age Certificate: 18
Genre: Psychological Horror Thriller
Director: Jonathan Demme
Opening Notes: The establishing shot begins with a forest of bare trees against a grey sky (creating a rather gloomy depressing atmosphere). The camera points down from the tops of the trees onto the dark, misty ground where a girl enters the frame and is shown running towards the camera. The fog that surrounds her and the bottoms of trees gives a feeling of unease as you don't know what could be hiding in amongst it... It's made even worse by the girl running as we do not know why. The possibility that she is running away from someone or something is the first thing that springs to mind. It's not until we, the audience, realise that she is taking part in an assault course of some sort that we feel comfortable with this scene.
The non-diegetic music that is being played over the top of the establishing shot is a very low almost droning score mixed together with a very high pitched noise. The 2 sounds put together make the scene quite tense as your expecting a big build up in sound and with that should come a build up of drama.


Name: The Orphanage
Age Certificate: 15
Genre: Horror Thriller
Director: Guillermo Del Toro
Opening Notes: The establishing shot for this film is set in what could be perceived at first as a park or large garden. A long shot of a young girl is shown. She is knocking on a tree and turning around after each repetition of the phrase "one, two, three, knock on the door!". At first it seems that she is just playing with herself but as time goes on more young children appear behind her with their arms outstretched stopping still as she turns around. There is no overlaid non-diegetic music on this and the girls sweet voice is all you can hear. But there is something sinister about the way in which the children approach her in the innocent game. 
The shot cuts to a medium close up of the girl still knocking on the tree. The hand of a child suddenly appears from the right side of the frame and the game is over as they touch the girl and the shot cuts to the children running through a line of washing. They continue to run around the garden with the diegetic laughter and a non-diegetic score that makes the scene feel fairly positive. But the happy atmosphere is not lived as the shot cuts to show a woman on the phone talking about the young orphan girl who was knocking on the tree. She mentions that she will be "very happy in her new home" but that "we haven't told her yet". The last comment suggests to the audience that something is going to go wrong with the arrangement. It's the start to the wrong goings of the film.
The atmosphere created in the opening is created to appear happy and cheerful but in a way so that the audience is able to pick up on the unease of it all. Almost as though the friends playing is too perfect.

Production Log - Friday 16th January

  • We took the camera and our tape and had a wander around our school to see if we could find any suitable spots to shoot our film. We had already established we needed a long dark corridor and a very dark cut off room.
  • We shot a few clips in our school clothes of the corridors we found and we were also allowed to use the photography dark room to test if it was what we needed. We had looked into different classrooms but none were dark enough for what we needed.

Costumes & Props For Preliminary Task

Lizzie King - Prisoner:
  • Navy blue overalls
  • Black and white scarf
  • Grey shoes
Lizzie Mclean - Prison Officer:
  • Smart black trousers
  • White blouse/shirt
  • Black high heels
  • Long black coat
Props Needed:
  • Set of keys
  • Desk lamp to use as a sort of "spotlight"
  • Clamp stand to hold the light above Lizzie's head

Preliminary Storyboard

Production Log - Wednesday 14th January

  • We finished drawing up and writing our storyboard for our preliminary task
  • We then began to sort out the costumes and props that were needed for our preliminary film and when we would begin filming. 

Conventions Of A Thriller

Here are some typical conventions of a thriller film:
  • Darkness - whether this be because of the time of day or the rooms that the scene is taking place in. Thrillers have a way of creating suspense and tension through the lighting (or lack of) as you cannot see entirely what is there.
  • Music - the music used in thrillers is often fast paced or it builds up. Fast-paced scores are generally used to create a bit of panic in the audiences reaction to what is being shown on screen. When music that builds up is being used it's normally to intensify a scene. It creates a feeling of dread in the audience as to what is about to happen. As the sound becomes louder the audience knows that something is about to happen and the reaction that you get from them is greater than without the music.
  • Close-ups - these are used a lot in short spaces of time. It creates a very intimate atmosphere between the characters and the audience. Makes us pay more attention to the detail that's being laid out for us on screen.
  • Flashbacks - these are very common in thrillers. Along with memories they are used to portray a different or leading-on storyline to the main content provided. It allows us to piece together what is happening more easily. they are mainly edited to be shown in black and white or a sepia tone. This is done to indicate that the characters are no longer living in the present day but in the future or past.

Production Log - Saturday 13th December

  • We decided to watch some thriller and horror films today and make some notes about what "makes a thriller/horror". We needed to note down the basic conventions of these so that we could try and include them in our preliminary film and our main task. This would hopefully make our film more effective

Production Log - Friday 12th December

  • Our group agreed on a storyline for our preliminary production and we began to draw and write up our final storyboard. We needed to plan out each exact shot so that we would not get confused when we began filming and also to make sure we had enough footage. 

Age Certificate Research - 18

For an 18 certificate, generally, anything goes. This is because it is classified for adults only, and they are not going to set strong rules on what adults wish to watch as they can make their own informed choices. The only things that are prohibited are films that encourage the use of illegal drugs and detailed accounts of violence (general or sexual).
Also anything classed as a "sex work" must be classified under an 18R certificate.

Age Certificate Research - 15

For a 15 certificate no themes are barred as long as they are suited appropriately to a 15 year old audience. Strong language is allowed to be frequent as long as the context of the film allows it. But if there is an unremitting use of swearing the film may be classified as an 18 instead. Sexual activity is permitted to be shown but it must not be in great detail. There may be strong scenes of violence but it must not linger on gory injuries. The use of drugs is allowed to be shown but it must not promote them.

Age Certificate Research - 12

For a 12 certificate the themes of the film are allowed to be mature but some restraint must be put in place to make it suitable for younger teenagers. The use of strong language should be limited and any sexual content should be short and controlled. Violence can be occasional but it should not linger or dramatize any injuries. A few gory moments are permitted. The use of drugs or easily accessible weapons should not be shown to be attractive.

Production Log - Wednesday 3rd December

  • We continued to plan out some storylines and draw some rough storyboards.
  • We began to do some research about the genre that our group had decided on, which was the thriller horror hybrid and also some audience research
  • We started off by looking at the age certificates as stated by the BBFC

Production Log - Friday 28th November 2008

  • We were given the brief of what we must do for our preliminary media task and our main media task 
  • We started work on the preliminary film task and began to discuss possible genres including thrillers, comedies, action, romantic and hybrids such as thriller horrors.
  • We attempted to draw up a very rough storyboard of one of our ideas, but this was later scrapped as it would have taken too much time to film. We did decide to keep this idea though incase we could use it for our main task.


Me, Lizzie King and Lizzie Mclean are in a group to produce a film and storyboard for the preliminary production.

We will need to:

¢Do research into our chosen genre
¢Do research into audience
¢Do research into age certificates
¢Plan out our plot line
¢Plan out our storyboard